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Stevenage Skip Hire Ltd - 0203 780 2277

t: 0203 780 2277




Coronavirus Safety Aware

NO physical contact with our drivers during visits

ALL communications and paperwork sent via telephone or email

NO paperwork to be signed

ALL staff are strictly following our
Coronavirus Safety Policy

Waste Disposal Stevenage Skip Hire | Skip Hire Stevenage Skip Hire | Waste Recycling Stevenage Skip Hire | Waste Management Stevenage Skip Hire | Envirowaste Recycling Centre Stevenage Skip Hire | Skip Hire Service Stevenage Skip Hire | Domestic and Commercial Skip Hire Stevenage Skip Hire | Licensed Waste Carriers Stevenage Skip Hire | Environment Agency Approved Stevenage Skip Hire | Skip Permits Arranged Stevenage Skip Hire

Wheathampstead Skip Hire have been taking good care of our customers for many years now. Whatever your waste requirements may be, Wheathampstead Skip Hire have the perfect size skip to match the job in hand. Don't forget, we supply skips for commercial or domestic clients, recycle waste, sort out the skip permits and are Environment Agency approved. We also sell aggregates in the form of crushed hardcore, MOT Type 1, sharp sand, building sand and ballast. Wheathampstead Skip Hire operate a same day skip drop off and collection service throughout Hertfordshire. Our skip hire prices are very competitive, so call us today!

Why hire a skip from Stevenage Skip Hire

As the weather warms up you may be planning on a spot of redecorating or just clearing your house and garden of clutter. Whatever it is, you just know that the amount of rubbish will be considerably more than you first anticipated. So what are you going to do with all that rubbish? Some people will probably just think to gather it all up and take it to the nearest household recycling centre, otherwise known as the 'dump' or 'tip', however, hiring a skip from Stevenage Skip Hire has some clear benefits over getting rid of the waste yourself.

Stevenage Skip Hire are Safe and Clean: Do you really fancy sorting through all manner of waste? Some waste could potentially be very dangerous. There may be broken glass and some waste containers from the loft, garage or shed could be leaking some pretty noxious liquids. Hiring a skip from us means that the disposal of the items is handled by the us, not you. Stevenage Skip Hire will know how to handle and dispose of the waste in the correct and approved hygienic manner. So if not having to get your hands dirty appeals, why not give Stevenage Skip Hire are a call.

Hiring a skip from Stevenage Skip Hire is Convenient: A skip keeps all of your waste in one place that's close at hand. Having to load it into your car and take it to the nearest recycling centre is a lot of effort and can take hours out of your weekend. If you hire a skip from Stevenage Skip Hire, the skip is delivered to your property, all you have to do is put your waste in the skip and it is picked up by the skip hire company when you want them to pick it up. It doesn't get any simpler than that.

Hiring a skip from Stevenage Skip Hire is Better for the environment: Sorting through all of your unwanted items not only takes hours, but as you are not a waste management professional, you probably wouldn't know what waste went into what bulk skip at the local dump. This is when a lot of recyclable items may not be disposed of in the correct way. When you hire a skip from Stevenage Skip Hire, we will sort through your waste for you and dispose of it by recycling in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

So if you live in or around the Stevenage area of Hertfordshire and want to avoid spending hours sorting through a house or garden full of disposable waste, why not give us a call at Stevenage Skip Hire. We can take care of all your household waste and dispose of it in an environmentally correct way. Simply phone us and we can advise you as to the best size of skip for your needs.

Land fill, plastic and its disposal in Stevenage

You may have heard recently about China issuing a ban on waste imports into the country. The United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and Japan were among those that exported most of their waste to China, so what will happen to all the waste you generate in Stevenage now?.

Well, according to a government environment scientist, plastic waste should be stored in landfill sites until it can be mined.

It was argued that landfill could be a far better solution than incineration for waste because it could be mined at a later date and turned back into a useful product. This opinion came in the wake of the Chinese ban.

Huge bales of used plastic bottles and other waste are being stockpiled around the country because they can no longer be sent to China, which took fifty five percent of the waste plastic exported by the United Kingdom as of 2016.

China was literally the dumping ground for more than half of the worlds plastic waste before the ban. The country was importing almost nine million metric tons of plastic waste a year.

China began importing waste in the 1980s to fuel a growing manufacturing sector. It grew a whole waste processing and recycling industry, but poor handling of waste products and a lack of effective supervision turned the country into a major polluter. Thisis areputation that China are very keen to leave behind and are now pushing for a far greater use of renewable energy and have even become a leading light in green finance projects.

What does this mean for waste in Stevenage?

Here at Stevenage Skip Hire we sort all your waste and ensure that 95% of the waste materials we collect are recycled. Clearly some of the waste we take will end up in land fill sites, but we do our very best to ensure that the majority of it is recycled and put to good use.

When you think about it, very little of the materials we throw away cannot be recycled or re used in some way. Green materials and wood willbe chipped ready for composting and hardcore is crushed and is frequently used in building projects.

Just a few reasons to use Stevenage Skip Hire

  • Same day drop off and collection throughout Hertfordshire
  • Very competitive prices
  • Permits arranged for you
  • Trade accounts are welcome
  • Domestic and commercial
  • EA approved licensed recycling centre
  • Licensed waste carriers

At Stevenage Skip Hire 95% of waste is recycled

At Stevenage Skip Hire, we are committed to disposing your waste in an environmentally-friendly way. At least 95% of waste is recycled. At our recycling centre in Stevenage, we segregate all waste before processing all products.

  • Soft and hard plastics, paper, cardboard, UPVC are bailed
  • Hardcore is crushed
  • Wood and Green Waste are chipped
  • Muck Soil is sent to a washing plant
  • Metals are segregated to grade respectively

Some of the services Wheathampstead Skip Hire provide in, and around, Hertfordshire:

  • Skip Hire
  • Waste Recycling
  • Waste Management
  • Envirowaste Recycling Centre
  • Waste Disposal
  • Domestic and Commercial Skip Hire
  • Licensed Waste Carriers
  • Environment Agency Approved
  • Skip Permits Arranged
  • Same Day Drop Off and Collection
  • Aggregates For Sale

Further Information

If you would like to know more or are interested in a quote we would be happy to help. Phone us on 0203 780 2277, email us at or fill in our contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Areas covered:

Further information:

Stevenage Skip Hire Ltd - Envirowaste Recycling Centre - Jacks Hill - Graveley - Herts SG4 7EQ

Stevenage Skip Hire Ltd
Envirowaste Recycling Centre
Jacks Hill
Herts SG4 7EQ

Hoarding costs you money
Time to have a good clearout
Fly tipping: what's the problem in Wheathampstead?
The waste consequences of Covid
New Bill designed to ban export of plastic waste
The problems with waste disposal in Wheathampstead
Plastic pollution around the globe
Carbon emissions and the environment
How the five R's can dramatically improve our environment in Wheathampstead?
Recycle or incinerate! What is the best solution for our waste materials in Wheathampstead?
Single use plastic products in Wheathampstead
A guide to what can and cannot go into a hired skip
Recycling your waste materials in Wheathampstead
The problem with plastic pollution in Hertfordshire
Waste reduction in Hertfordshire
Plastic waste from the United Kingdom may be sent overseas instead of recycled
Just how recyclable is the plastic we use in Wheathampstead Skip Hire
What happens to all the plastic we throw out
Fly tipping: A modern day curse
Recycled plastic for roads and pavements
Seaweed sachets offer an alternative to plastic
The increasing problem of plastics in our oceans
Plastic pollution in the ocean starts from the rivers
Ways to reduce your plastic waste
Plastic microbeads are a load of rubbish
Waste plastic from the UK is polluting the globe
Hiring a skip from Wheathampstead Skip Hire rather than using the local dump
Hire a skip from Wheathampstead Skip Hire for your garden waste
Get a skip and avoid fly tipping in Hertfordshire
Some facts about waste and recycling from Wheathampstead Skip Hire
Hire a skip instead of going to your local Hertfordshire tip
Hire a skip from Wheathampstead Skip Hire for your soil and mud
Useful information about skip hire in Hertfordshire
Hire a skip from Wheathampstead Skip Hire to save you time effort and money
The benefits of skip hire from Wheathampstead Skip Hire in Hertfordshire
Areas covered list
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